Numbfull and The Fulls ©
Kobe Feeling Dolls were originally called Numbfull and The Fulls© They are the creative offspring of artist, dollmaker, educator, and creativity specialist Barb Kobe. The characters were born at a time when her children were young and beginning to discover their wide range of emotions and needs. It was also a time when Barb was learning about the wide range of emotional responses her children were able to evoke in her. “THE FULLS” provided a tool for the children, and Barb, to talk about their feelings and how to express them in appropriate and creative ways. Since their conception, Barb has used THE FULLS to talk to hundreds of school children and adults in workshops about their emotional intelligence. She is continually amazed at how willing children are to using the characters as a vehicle to promote talking about their feelings. She has also become aware of how many adults have spent little time talking about their own emotional needs.
Daniel Goldman’s research and book on emotional intelligence gives credibility to the message I believe was important when I created The Fulls – Feelings are an important part of the whole person AND are a rich resource within us to guide us along on our paths of learning and growing.
Contact Information
Barbara Kobe
4032 Kentucky Ave. N.
Crystal, MN 55427-1324
763 535 7713
[email protected]
Daniel Goldman’s research and book on emotional intelligence gives credibility to the message I believe was important when I created The Fulls – Feelings are an important part of the whole person AND are a rich resource within us to guide us along on our paths of learning and growing.
Contact Information
Barbara Kobe
4032 Kentucky Ave. N.
Crystal, MN 55427-1324
763 535 7713
[email protected]