Power is your personal power that is found when you feel good about who are and what you do. Your powerful feelings may show up when you are asked to be the leader in a group. You are powerful when you own all of your feelings and know how to express them in healthy, helpful ways.
Ways to Use Power
From the User's Manual A person who is powerful owns all of his or her feelings, and knows how to express their feelings in appropriate ways. Power is good to use when demonstrating any power moves.
Use Power to discuss:
The meaning of power.
Personal power.
Power that is helpful and power that is destructive.
How someone might have power over another person and how it might feel to have power over someone or when someone has power over you.
Times a child might feel powerful.
Why someone might hide his or her power.
To talk about violence. Notice how power is used in comic books and cartoons.
How someone might think he or she is better than someone.
Many counselors, therapists and teachers recommend having two Powers available to work through power issues with two people or groups. This would represent each person having their own power, as opposed to one person having the power and the other not having it.